Agricultural Statistics of Tapanuli Utara Regency 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tapanuli Utara Regency

BPS make changes the base year GDP of Indonesia-based SNA 2008. More can be read on the following booklet

Penghitungan Indeks Pembangunan manusia menggunakan Metode Baru. Selengkapnya ada pada booklet berikut

Population of Tapanuli Utara Regency in 2022 is 318.424, consisting of 159.102 men and 159.322 women.

Agricultural Statistics of Tapanuli Utara Regency 2013

Catalog Number : 5101006.1205
Publication Number : 12050.1437
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : October 30, 2014
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.22 MB


This publication contains information about technical explanation relating to the implementation of activities of data collection of food crops and Horticulture production in Tapanuli Utara Regency Year 2013.
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